Chain Reaction Cycles: Pro-Cycling
Editor's Choice

Game Description: Chain Reaction Cycles: Pro-Cycling
Chain Reaction Cycles: Pro-Cycling - is certainly the first worthy cycling simulator for Android devices. In the game you are to take part in single races, improving your results and professionalism, as well as in team rounds. You may compete with virtual opponents and with the most real players via Internet connection. You will ride a lot in well-drawn 3D locations, such as professional tracks and roads crossing centers of population; and the locals will meet you with applause or sympathetic sighs and sobs, depending on situation. The third person view is realized in the game, that is why you will see all the road nuances and have time to take measures to avoid falling down or collision with other participants of the competition. The simulator is made wisely; everything that is happening on the other side of the screen is as close to reality as possible. For example, you will not be able to increase or retain the maximum speed of a cyclist without energy loss. That is, you will have to use your energy sparingly in certain parts of the route: the cyclist may ride downhill on his own (though not at full speed), while he will have to work hard moving up the hill.The game requires a cache download.
The path for the cache: sdcard/Android/obb
Suitable versions
New Version
File Size
81.2 MB
Android 2.2 or above