Talking Angela
Editor's Choice

Game Description: Talking Angela
Talking Angela is an entertaining application in which you can spend time with Angela in Paris, the city of love and style! Behave well-mannered and treat her as the princess; well, actually she is a princess. Talk to her, buy gifts and choose clothes for her. You can even smile to her or show your tongue (but you cannot behave like that with a real lady)! She is not alone in the city. You will periodically meet someone familiar, but in completely another roles!Features:
-You can talk with Angela only in Engilsh;
-Press the text box to begin talking;
-Type a text on a keyboard or dictate words;
-Angela will answer you in English using her voice or a text;
-You can talk to Angela on different subjects: love, dating, friends, school, fashion, celebrities, movies, music, TV, books, hobbies, food, travel, pets and so on; ;
-Use such commands as: “sing to me”, “tell me a joke” and others
The game requires a cache download.
The path for the cache: sdcard/Android/data
Suitable versions
New Version
File Size
84.3 MB
Android 2.3 or above